Q:What methods of payment does one accept?
A:We accept only PayPal payment method.

Q: How do I know if I have placed the order successfully?
A: All successful orders will have an order confirmation email sent to your registered email address. If you have not received any confirmation email after you have placed your order, please contact us for assistance. You may also want to check your spam folder to see if our emails have gone there.

Q: Do you ship internationally?
A:Yes,we are free shipping to most countries(the United States, Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Iceland, and New Zealand...)

Q: Can I make changes to my order after I have placed it?
A: You can still make changes to your order if we have not yet start to make your item. Please contact us of your changes to make within 24 hours after you have placed your order.

Q:Can I wash and style my hair piece?
A: Yes, of course! Our pieces are made with (ethically sourced) real human hair so they can be washed and styled as you wish. Please note - we do not advise wearing your wig in chlorine swimming pools as this will remove natural oils and dry out the hair, while also damaging its colour.

Q:Do you need tape /glue to secure your hair piece?
A: If you pull the adjustable strap so it's nice and snug, you can wear the piece without using tape of glue.

Q:How long do your hair systems last?
A:The life of hair is determined by how well they are taken care of. Usually, lifespan is from 12 months to several years depending on how often they are worn and how well they are taken care of .

Q:Can I sleep with your hair?
A:It is better not to sleep with the wig, but if you decide to, make a couple of big braids or buns when going to sleep with a wig, or make a silk wrap. Make sure the hair is completely dry before going to bed. Never sleep with wet hair.

Q:Can I cancel a custom-made human hair order?
A:Yes, you can cancel order within 24 hours from the date the order was placed . If your order has started to making ,you need to pay a 20% cancellation fees if you still need to cancel .

Q:Do you take custom orders?
A:Yes, we accept customer orders ,we can custom as your size ,color you want.But Custom orders are non returnable because they are made specific to you.

Q: What is the estimated delivery time?
A: Human hair all need about 2-3 weeks to finish, plus shipping time is about 4-7 working days .

Q: Do you offer expedited shipping?
A: We don't offer expedited shipping

Q: Do I get a tracking number for my package?
A: Yes, we will send you a delivery confirmation email with tracking number provided.

Q:How do I change my shipping address?
A: If you wish to change the shipping address after placing an order, please contact our Customer email service@milawigs.com as soon as possible during the order processing stage.If the package has not been dispatched yet, we will be able to ship to the new address. However, if the package has already been shipped, then the shipping information will not be able to be changed while the package is in transit.

Email: service@milawigs.com
Phone: +86 180 1807 5339